Aksaray University
Erasmus Coordination
2024 Contact Year Erasmus Staff Mobilities Application Results

Application Type: Erasmus+ KA131 Higher Education Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training

Project Year: 2024

Project Number: 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000199509 / 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000209621 / 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000215261 

The selection results for the 2024 contract year for Aksaray University Erasmus Staff Mobility can be found in the attached list. Applications were evaluated according to the criteria specified in the Erasmus Staff Mobility Directive of Aksaray University.

As a result of the evaluation, the staff who are entitled to benefit from the program are expected to go to the institutions they were accepted during the application. 

The selected persons must have completed their activities and returned by April 30, 2026

The results can be appealed until 16 December, 2024.

If the mobility is not done on the dates specified in the acceptance letter, the Erasmus office must be informed. Otherwise, the participant will be deemed to have waived from the mobility. The beneficiaries announced in the announced list are required to submit the necessary documents to our Coordinatorship at least 15 days before the start of the activity in order for the payment transactions to be completed. Please visit erasmus.aksaray.edu.tr Info/Documents for the documents to be submitted to the Erasmus office before and after the mobility.

Erasmus Office– Prof. Dr. Melayib Bilgin

[email protected] – [email protected]

Erasmus Office- Lect. Uğur KOYUNCU, Tel: 0 382 288 38 38

[email protected]  -  [email protected]   

Erasmus Office- Project Assistant M. Fuat Aslan, Tel: 0 382 288 38 35

[email protected] - [email protected]

Erasmus Office- Project Assistant M Ali Yorulmaz, Tel: 0 382 288 38 32

[email protected] - [email protected]